

What is the meaning of Wakarimashita?

Wakatta and wakarimashita are both past tense and is more like “understood” or “I got it” where as wakatteru is more like “I get it” or “I understand”.Dec 13, 2018

How do you reply to Wakarimashita?

5) わかりますか wakarimasu ka


You can answer this question with “wakarimashita” (I understand; I got it). Or “wakarimasen” (I don’t understand).Dec 17, 2019


Is Wakarimashita formal?

If you need to speak formally you can use わかりました (wakarimashita). To ask, or tell someone that something is okay, you’ll need to use a different expression.May 21, 2021


What is Wakarimasu in English?


to understand.


What is Yokatta?

よかった [YOKATTA] It was good. / I’m glad. YOKATTA is the past form of an adjective, II (good). It is an expression used in a casual conversation between friends. So, the polite way of ending a sentence, DESU, is omitted.

What is Wakaranai in English?

Usually, “shira-nai” is translated “I don’t know” and “wakara-nai” is translated “I don’t understand”. Both words are used when the speaker can’t answer the listener clearly.Jan 3, 2019


Is Wakarimashita rude?

It’s very casual and can be a little rude to use it on formal occasions. If you are not talking to a friend, I would suggest to say something like “Sou desu ka? Wakarimashita” instead.Jul 17, 2016


Is Wakata informal?

The WAKATTA version is simply the informal or casual way of saying WAKARIMASHITA. You would say WAKATTA when speaking with your friends, family, and other times that you are speaking casually.Dec 29, 2005


What is Daijoubu?

A classic pretender phrase known for its amazing versatility; ‘daijoubu’ can mean ‘yes’ or ‘no’, ‘it’s ok’, ‘is it ok? ‘ and more.Aug 29, 2014


Is Ryokai rude?

了解しました – “Ryokai Shimashita” (Understood)


However, the word “ryokai” itself isn’t particularly respectful, so you should avoid using it in front of bosses, people outside your company, or with clients. It’s a phrase more appropriate for coworkers or juniors.Sep 14, 2021

What is Yosh in Japanese?



This phrase means something like, “OK, I’m going for it,” or “I’ll do my best.” A Japanese would say “Ganbarimasu” before taking a test or leaving the house for a job interview.May 30, 2009


What is Hajimemashite?

はじめまして [HAJIMEMASHITE] How do you do? This is a standard greeting, when you meet somebody for the first time. When somebody said to you HAJIMEMASHITE, you also say, HAJIMEMASHITE.


What is Domo Japanese?

DOMO means “very”. It’s especially helpful when stressing appreciation or making an apology. When you buy something at a store, store clerk would say “DOMO ARIGATOU”, meaning thank you “very much”. You can also use DOMO as a greeting like “hello”. And just saying DOMO can mean a casual way of “thank you” like thanks.Dec 3, 2017


What is Dekimasu?

dekimasu. 出来ます dekimasen. 出来ません lets be able, will probably be able.


What is dakara?

だから ( = dakara) : because of that, that’s why, therefore.Nov 18, 2011

What is Subarashii?

Subarashii means splendid; glorious; excellent; or superb.Apr 23, 2018


What is Kimochi?

What is the meaning of kimochi in Japanese? Kimochi is a “feeling.” This type of feeling is usually one brought on by some stimulation and is something of a non-persisting state of feeling. Kimochii (with a long -ii sound) means “good feeling.” What is this?Sep 1, 2020

Is shiranai rude?

Shiranai is used when you got no information to answer the question asked. Wakaranai is used when you got some idea to the question but you don’t know how to answer it. It’s usually safer to use “wakaranai” if you’re not sure which one to use because “shiranai” can be rude in some cases.


What is Taberu?

Conjugation of Japanese verb taberu – to eat 食べる

What is Suki desu meaning?

付き合ってください。 (suki desu. tsuki atte kudasai) which means: “I like you. Go out with me, please.”. You can also say 愛してる (aishiteru) for “I love you”, but be careful not to overuse it.Apr 1, 2020


What is Anone Anone in Japanese?

It’s a Japanese word. This is how it sounds. „anono “. Yes-no if I translate to English. It means nothing and is just an unnecessary introduction to speech.Jun 30, 2021


What is Ryoukai shimashita?

Ryōkai is a word that means “comprehension” or “consent.” It is often used as an exclamation in the following ways: by itself (ryōkai!), with the copula desu (ryōkai desu!), and with the past tense verb shimashita (ryōkai shimashita!).


How do you say I understand in Japanese polite?

Understanding. Normally, when you want to acknowledge what someone has told you, you will use the word wakarimashita (わかりました — „I understand“ or „yes, I see“).


Can you just say Gozaimasu?

When you say “Good morning” politely, you say ‘Ohayo gozaimasu. ‘ It’s just the casual “Good morning,” ‘Ohayo’ with ‘gozaimasu’ at the end. The word ‘gozaimasu’ is a very polite expression and can roughly be translated as “am,” “is,” or “are” in English.


Why do Japanese say san?

As a rule of thumb, in Japanese business life, the surname name is always followed by the honorific suffix “san” (meaning “dear” or actually “honorable Mr/Ms.”). There are of course many other options such as “sama” (highly revered customer or company manager) or “sensei” (Dr. or professor).

What is Sumimasen?

SUMIMASEN has many different meanings: “I’m sorry”, “thank you” and to get someone’s attention. It might be confusing at first, but once you’ve used it for a while, it’ll become second nature. When Japanese people say SUMIMASEN, they often bow in appreciation or apology. The angle reflects the depth of the emotion.Mar 22, 2017


What is Oyasumi?

good night

In a casual way, you can say OYASUMI.


What is Wakaru in Japanese?

Usage notes


The Japanese verb wakaru is most often glossed as to understand. However, wakaru is intransitive, and it takes the thing that is understood, distinguished, or recognized as the subject (usually marked by particle が (ga)), and not the object (usually marked by particle を (o)).


How do you say yes in Tokyo?

The simplest and most straightforward way of saying yes in Japanese is はい hai. In a more formal style, one may also use は!

👍 Yes

  • うん un, a rather nasal sound.
  • ああ aa “I see”
  • or そう sô or even, in a more polite way, そうです sô desu which means “yes, that’s it”
  • Jul 27, 2015


    What is Mondai Nai?

    Right up front, the easiest and most literal way to say “no problem” in Japanese is “mondai nai”. “mondai nai” is actually one of the few words that actually translate straight across to English reasonably well.


    What is Tadaima?

    TADAIMA is a shortened form of a sentence that means “I have just come back home now.” Mainly it’s an expression you use when you have come back home. But you can use it on other occasions. For example, when you have returned from a foreign country, you say TADAIMA to people who welcome you at the airport.

    What is desu in Japanese?

    Desu is a polite Japanese linking verb meaning “to be” as well other forms of the verb. Western fans of anime and manga sometimes add it to the end of sentences to sound cute and imitate Japanese.Aug 22, 2018


    What is Wakaru in Japanese?

    Usage notes

    The Japanese verb wakaru is most often glossed as to understand. However, wakaru is intransitive, and it takes the thing that is understood, distinguished, or recognized as the subject (usually marked by particle が (ga)), and not the object (usually marked by particle を (o)).


    What is Kudasai?

    When you ask somebody to do something in Japanese, you say TE-form verbs and then KUDASAI (Please, or I would ask you to).


    What is the meaning of Ohayo gozaimasu?

    Good Morning! 「おはようございます」 “Ohayou-gozaimasu!”Aug 11, 2020
